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Optimizing Images To Increase Web Page Load Speed
Visuals can add areas of interest to your site. They refresh the viewers’ eyes and provide a break from the successive blocks of text. However, at the same time, photos can also be one of the primary factors that…
Axel May Rivera Nov 7, 2019 -
Top 5 Web Design Questions Web Designers Should Ask Their Clients
Businesses often use websites to establish credibility, promote their products and services, and reach a wider target audience. Moreover, they’re also used to showcase your previous work and provide clients with…
Axel May Rivera Nov 6, 2019 -
Visually Appealing Websites & How To Design Them
Regardless of how visually appealing a website’s design is, it’s guaranteed to leave lasting impressions on its viewers. Terrible designs put off viewers, making them click away. They may never return after that…
Axel May Rivera Oct 30, 2019 -
Call to Actions and How They Help You Get Clicks
Websites use a variety of Call to Actions (CTAs) to prompt users towards performing tasks. CTAs are interactive. You can find them presented in the form of hyperlinks or buttons. They are designed to stand out…
Axel May Rivera Oct 28, 2019
Author: Axel May Rivera
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