Syntactics, Inc.’s “Amazing Hunger Games” Summer Camp 2014
April 28, 2014 – Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines – The BPO company that offers I.T. Solutions that Work – Syntactics Inc. – We just had our summer camp at Mapawa Nature Park last April 26 and 27, 2014.
It was time for Syntactics, Inc. employees and officers to have some fun under the sun during our Summer Camp activity. The spirit of teamwork shone throughout the event with its Amazing Race and Hunger Games or in other words “Amazing Hunger Games” theme.
“May the odds be ever in your favour.”
Upon arriving on the site and after the opening ceremonies, teams were given time to set up their camp and have breakfast. Afterwards, the three teams of Red, Blue and Yellow offered their 10 “tributes” or players who would participate in various games prepared by the Mapawa facilitators.
The morning games tested each team on their ability to cooperate and work together.
First, the tributes were placed on a 6-man ski where they had to walk to a certain distance and go back to pick up remaining members. The second game had them walking with their legs bound to each others, gradually forming a connected circle with each member they went back for.
The last and third game of the morning tested the tributes’ individual ability to handle pressure. They had to get to their destination as fast as they can with a big rubber band holding their feet together while balancing a rubber ball on a spoon.
An amazing race themed game in the afternoon tested the tributes’ ability to carefully follow instructions. They did tasks that involved transporting objects like a bucket of water and a “malong” in a continuous line.
Other tasks had the tributes battling with their stomachs as they were asked to consume baskets of food like “ampalaya” (bitter melon) and bananas. They were even asked to drink a glass of vinegar after consuming the food. One of the stations had them walking–or should I say hopping–hand in hand while one of their members held a balloon between his/her legs. Another had them reaching for the top of a grease-covered pole, where the station’s flag was located.
In travelling to each station all tributes had to hold hands and recite their team’s chant before and after they had to do each task. Their goal was to collect each flag from the 5 stations before reaching the last one that had them raise their team flag located on the main activity grounds.
After resting and dinner, a bonfire activity filled with performances from their On-the-Job Trainees and new employees, and the mini-games broke the ice of competition during the day. Everyone was able to have a good laugh and relax with each other with non-competitive games like Charades and Spin the Bottle.
The next morning was another set of games that tested the teams’ ability to strategize. This is where they transferred each member to the other side of a rope-web and transported a plate of plastic balls using strings attached to the plate.
The last activity had team leaders lead their blindfolded members to the Mini-Waterfalls of Mapawa Nature Park. Upon reaching the waterfalls each member lined up as the Summer Camp committee members individually evaluated their individual performances during the activities face to face with the tributes. Afterwards they were splashed with water, and were all asked to try and reach the other end of the stream while balancing on a log.
After all the activities, the Yellow Team shined as the Overall Champion, having shown strong performances through most of the games with the award of free Zip Lining. In the end not only the winners, but everyone got to Zip Line for free and enjoy.
However it’s not all about winning and Zip Lining, it’s about the bond formed and the effort of each team members to work towards a specific goal. Teamwork, cooperation, passion and determination, that is the real essence of a company Summer Camp.
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