Syntactics CEO attends the AMTC’s 4th Digital Champions Workshop; Sharing AMTC Success Stories
A Gathering of SME Leaders
Last June 2018, Ms. Stephanie Caragos – CEO of Syntactics, Inc., was one of the participants during the 4th Digital Champions Workshop organized by the Asia Pacific MSME Trade Coalition (AMTC) held in Rutgers Business School Asia Pacific, Singapore.
SME leaders and startup owners who were digitally selected through online enrollment participated in the workshop. They were also recommended by the Department of Trade and Industry. The objectives of the Digital Champions Workshop was to provide training on international and digital trade, stakeholder engagement, and go-to-market tools and strategies from industry professionals and leaders. Moreover, the one and half day workshop enabled the participants to develop the right skills in taking challenges and opportunities to policymakers. Moreover, the program aimed to create better benefits, especially for future startups.
The Program facilitators and mentors prepared lectures for leaders to improve their management skills. Lectures also aimed at developing effective communication within a team. The SME leaders shared stories of their business’s success and growth. The program included a roundtable dialogue with government officials whereby the SME leaders had the opportunity to discuss the importance of digital age for government transactions.
MSMEs in the Asia Pacific participated in the specialized training workshop with the topics:
Overview of International Trade in the Asia Pacific Region by Dr. Deborah Elms, Director of Asian Trade Centre.
Tips and Tricks for Better Communication by Steve Okun, President of Asia Business Trade Association.
Learn Marketing with Facebook Ads.
Lastly, the leaders had a site visit at Grey Orange to end the final workshop day – a “multinational firm that designs, manufactures and deploys advanced robotics systems” – where the company’s representative showcased their projects in the electronic distribution for warehouse and fulfillment centers.
congratulations to Ms. Stephanie Caragos and to the whole team of Syntactics……….