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Graphic Design Rules To Follow To Exceed Expectations

Graphic Design Rules To Follow To Exceed Expectations

Graphic design services and rules vary among companies. At their best, the right graphic designer doesn’t only portray professionalism but is also easily recognizable by clients. However, sometimes, our own personal preferences may seep in when working with all kinds of projects—from illustrations to app user interfaces. This is why it’s important to note that good professional graphic designers always put their clients’ best interests in mind. 

Moreover, design should never become just another afterthought. Leaving this as a last-minute decision can greatly cost you in terms of quality and sales. With this, here are a few graphic design rules you should follow to reach standards and exceed expectations:

Aim for simplicity 

Don’t cram text and icons into every free space beside your photos and illustrations. There’s a reason that graphic design rules state that less is more. Instead, avoid overcrowding elements all in one area by embracing negative space. Spread out your elements across multiple pages, you’re giving them the space they need to be the center of attention. Use the right graphic design tools to continue to minimize as many distractions as possible. This way, you’ll be able to communicate your messages much faster. As an alternative, add textures to your background to subtly add a bit more interest.

Select appropriate fonts

As a graphic designer with a limitless amount of fonts to choose from, you can easily be carried away. To start off, select a font that works well with its different variations. This is a simple trick to test out different variations of your text as well. Furthermore, be sure to check to see if the fonts you choose complement each other. One of the more tried and tested graphic design rules you should follow is to stick to choosing three fonts at most: one for your content’s body text, one for headings, and another for font that emphasizes.

person using laptop and drawing simple words to follow graphic design rules


Moreover, maintain your fonts’ kerning, which is the space between your characters. When you add, edit, or adjust your text, take extra care to keep the spacing uniform. It may seem like a subtle difference, but when your viewers pick up on it, they may easily end up distracted from your message. 

Follow a structure 

Another essential graphic design rule is to prepare a guide, template, or initial sketch before jumping in. This way, you’ll be able to identify whether you’re satisfied with your concept design. Use a grid to organize your canvas into sections. While grids appear in different shapes and sizes, simply using one can help you maintain your elements’ alignment and consistency. This prevents you from randomly distributing your elements across your canvas and leaving it with a messy and unprofessional vibe. Poor graphic design depletes your credibility and your audience’s ability to understand your message. When in doubt, assess whether your design reaches the standard by double-checking with non-tech savvy individuals. They should be able to understand what your page is all about within 1/20th of a second. Otherwise, it may be time to go back to the drawing board.

Choose the right visuals

Whenever you can, replace your words with enticing visuals. Substitute lengthy instructions for a few phrases with matching icons. Condense chunky paragraphs into brief, simple, and straightforward sentences. Do whatever you can to limit the amount of text you place in every segment. Check off one of the more important graphic design rules out there and make it a priority to keep your viewers interested.

person using laptop to browse for photos

Moreover, choose to work with vector graphics when creating icons and symbols to maintain their quality. Raster-based images have a tendency to become distorted and pixelated after a few changes are made. Additionally, when you do decide to manipulate your images and text, make sure to keep them proportionate to their original size.


As a graphic designer, regardless of the font you choose, you won’t be able to bring them justice if your content is filled with typos. Before you release any of your work, it’s best to proofread for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. However, proofreading isn’t limited to checking your content. As a rule of thumb, your layout should also undergo a few test runs from your clients and other testers in the team. Look out for any graphic elements that disrupt your page’s balance and organization. Does the design follow the organization’s stylesheet? Double-check to guarantee that the original template or guide isn’t heavily modified. Inspect your images and make sure they’re scaled appropriately. Ensure that above all else, your logo and call to action buttons are legible.

What other graphic design rules do you follow?

In the end, graphic design services are responsible for bridging your content and your viewers. In addition to leaving a lasting first impression, you are also responsible for leading clients towards the road of working with you and your team. Aim to impress the right target audience and you’ve already taken the first step towards achieving your goal. Are you ready to follow these graphic design rules and take the next steps?

Axel May Rivera


Axel is an avid fan of many dramas and songs. She is always eager to explore and discover more when it comes to movies and entertainment, especially in Korean and Filipino culture. In her free time, she enjoys reading books and playing badminton.

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