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JavaScript Coding Standards for Wordpress_ A Guide

JavaScript Coding Standards for WordPress: A Guide

According to W3Techs, JavaScript is a programming language used by a whopping 98% of all websites. So here are the WordPress Coding Standards and Best Practices for JavaScript!

WordPress is an open-source CMS or Content Management System. So, its contributors need to follow a uniform standard, as with the PHP, CSS, and HTML Coding Standards. Thus, it can eliminate inconsistencies, allowing developers to read code more easily.

JavaScript Coding Standards for WordPress

Of the various coding or programming languages in use, JavaScript is most used by nearly 65% of Software Developers.

JavaScript is responsible for creating complex front-end elements on WordPress. So, for instance, you can rely on the coding language for Fashion Website Templates and Designs.

Code Refactoring

Some WordPress JavaScript code structures have style inconsistencies. Although, refactoring older JavaScript codes isn’t an immediate issue. But because of said inconsistencies, WordPress is working on making code more uniform for better readability.

Of course, you can always follow the Javascript Coding Standards and Best Practices! In addition, WordPress Contributors can use JSHint, which can detect errors in JavaScript code. However, devs must avoid using “Whitespace-only” patches, especially for older files that don’t conform to the standards.


WordPress Contributors are highly encouraged to use spaces in their JavaScript files. Of course, spacing should be done liberally, as they make the code easier to understand.

Of course, the minification process makes the JavaScript file easier for browsers to parse through. So, spacing helps ensure that the file is optimized for readability.

  • Firstly, WordPress Developers must Indent lines using tabs.
  • Contributors shouldn’t place any Whitespace on the ends of lines and blank ones.
  • Lines should be 80 to 100 characters to ensure that code is readable. Additionally, keep in mind that one tab equals four spaces.
  • One critical standard to remember is that blocks that use ifelseforwhile, and try should always have braces. In addition, they’ll be split up into multiple lines.
  • In the case of special-character unary operators, such as ++ and –, there should be no spaces beside their associated operand.
  • Also, WordPress Developers must remember that there shouldn’t be any spaces preceding ‘, ’s and ‘; ’s.
  • Additionally, if a ‘;’ is a statement terminator, it must be placed at the end of a line.
  • An ‘:’ after an object definition’s property name shouldn’t have any preceding space.
  • In a ternary conditional, there should be spaces on both sides of ‘?’ and ‘:.’
  • If you have empty constructs, there shouldn’t be any filler spaces, so, for example, fn(), {}[])
  • Of course, developers must add a new line at the end of their JavaScript file.

Bonus: Deviations for Better Consistency

Although they’re the basis for the jQuery style guide, WordPress’ JavaScript Coding Standards and Best Practices allow for broader whitespace rules. Thus, the following deviations will boost the consistency of .js and .php files.

  • All ‘!’ negation operators must have a space after it.
  • Whether a closure wraps the file or not, every function body must have a one-tab indent.
  • WordPress’ Contributors must use tabs at the start of a line. However, spaces can align the code in a line or documentation blocks.

Whitespace often accumulates at the end of lines on your .js files. Unfortunately, JSHint will consider trailing whitespace as an error. Thus, your text editor must enable visible whitespace characters to avoid such a situation.

Object Declarations

Object declarations

Source: WordPress.

When handling object declarations, keeping optimal line length in mind is vital.

  • Thus, if short enough, you can make a declaration in just one line.
  • But, if your array or object declaration is too long for one line, you can split it up. Thus, WordPress Contributors must ensure that each line has one property. Also, make sure each line ends with a ‘,.’
  • Additionally, you should only quote property names if they have special characters or are reserved words.

Arrays and Function Calls

Arrays and function calls

Source: WordPress.

One of the Best Practices for JavaScript Coding Standards is to constantly include additional spaces around elements and arguments in your file.

Examples of Good Spacing

Examples of good spacing

Source: WordPress.


Another critical practice for coding with JavaScript is to utilize ‘;’ rather than Automatic Semicolon Insertion.

Indentation and Line Breaks

wordpress javascript coding standards best practices

Source: WordPress.

With indentations and line breaks, the WordPress community can have an easy time reading even the most complex statements in .js files.

  • Thus, WordPress Contributors must use tabs to make indents.
  • Additionally, even if an immediately invoked function like a closure contains the file, the function must still be indented by a tab.

Blocks and Curly Braces

wordpress javascript coding standards best practices

Source: WordPress.

  • As mentioned earlier, blocks containing iffortryelsewhile, and try must use braces. Additionally, contributors should place them on multiple lines.
  • Also, your opening braces should be within the same line as the loop, conditional, or function definition.
  • Then, developers must add their closing braces right after the block’s last statement.

Multi-line Statements

Line breaks after operator

Source: WordPress.

  • If your statements exceed the optimal length, add line breaks after an operator.

Split each expression ternary operator

Source: WordPress.

  • Additionally, you can break lines into logical groups to increase readability, like with CSS Coding Standards! So even if two expressions of a ternary operator can fit on a single line, it’s better to split them up and give them their own lines.

Indented extra level opening closing parentheses

Source: WordPress.

  • But, naturally, if lines are too long, WordPress Developers must break them up. For instance, a dev must ensure a logical operator’s operands have their own lines. Also, they must have an additional indent from the ‘(’ and ‘).’

Chained Method Calls

Chained method calls

Source: WordPress.

  • If a chain of method calls gets too long for a single line, developers must split it up.
  • Of course, upon splitting the chain, it’s recommended that WordPress Contributors should have one call to a line.
  • In addition, the first call shouldn’t be on the same line as the object you called the methods on.
  • However, if the method will change the line’s context, apply an extra indent to keep things understandable.

Declaring Variables with const and let

  • If you’re writing code using ES2015 or more recent ones, use const and let instead of var.
  • So, WordPress Contributors must use const for declarations. But upon reassigning the value, you can then use let.
  • Lastly, you can declare variables whenever they’re first used. As a result, it’s unnecessary to declare your variables at the beginning of a function.

Declaring Variables With var

wordpress javascript coding standards best practices

Source: WordPress.

At the start of every function, there must be one var statement that’s been comma-delimited. The statement must declare any necessary local variables. But if one function doesn’t declare a particular variable with var, it can leak to an outer scope, usually the global scope. Thus, devs must avoid such a situation at all costs.

  • Assignments in a var statement will be listed on lines of their own. On the other hand, declarations can share a line as long as they’re within the desired line length.
  • Also, if there are any additional lines in the file, give them an extra indent.
  • Finally, if you have objects and functions with several lines, they shouldn’t be assigned within the var statement. This keeps contributors from having to over-indent lines.


WordPress core heavily used global variables in the past, and even now, they’re still in use.

  • Sometimes, plugins use core .js files, so WordPress Contributors must take great care not to remove existing globals.
  • Also, at the top of your JavaScript file, you must document the globals you use throughout the file before separating them with commas.

javascript wordpress best practices coding standards

Source: WordPress.

  • Upon adding your allowable globals, as with the example, you must add ‘true’ right after. Of course, the ‘true’ means that the global is defined in the file.
  • However, if you’re accessing a global variable not defined in the file, you should avoid adding ‘true.’ This results in the global being designated as read-only.

Common Libraries

The root .jshintrc file has registered these allowed globals: jQuery, Backbone, Underscore, and the global wp object.

  • WordPress Devs can directly access the Backbone and Underscore globals anytime.

Jquery into anonymous function

Source: WordPress.

  • Naturally, WordPress Developers will access jQuery, so they must pass the jQuery object into an anonymous function! Devs can accomplish this by using $, rather than .noConflict() or setting $ with a different variable.

wordpress javascript coding standards best practices

Source: WordPress.

  • Finally, files that add to or modify the wp object should access the global carefully. Otherwise, it might overwrite properties you’d set earlier.

Naming Conventions

JavaScript’s best practices differ from PHP Coding Standards when naming variables and functions.

  • Firstly, variable and function names must be named using full words, not abbreviations or shortened words.
  • Also, WordPress Contributors must apply camelcase, keeping the first letter lowercase.
  • In addition, the names should be straightforward, but this doesn’t extend to iterators.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

wordpress javascript coding standards best practices

Source: WordPress.

This Coding Standard for JavaScript states that acronyms should be written in uppercase. As a result, contributors can see that every letter stands for a proper word.

  • But, developers should remember that other abbreviations should be in camelcase. So the initial letter should be capitalized, with the rest being lowercase.
  • Still, if an acronym or abbreviation starts a variable name, it should follow camelcase naming.
  • Variable assignments require the abbreviation to be in lowercase.
  • Class definitions have the initial letter capitalized.

Class Definitions

  • If you wish to use constructors with new, ensure that you use UpperCamelCase, meaning the first letter is capitalized.

wordpress javascript coding standards best practices

Source: WordPress.

  • Of course, you should use UpperCamelCase for class definition. Even if you’re utilizing new construction, it’s critical to use the UpperCamelCase convention.
  • WordPress Devs must name all their @wordpress/element Components according to Class Definition naming rules. This Coding Standard extends even to stateless function components. Naturally, this practice helps keep things consistent. Also, it indicates that a specific component might have to transition from a function into a class seamlessly.


  • Constant values aren’t intended for reassignment or mutation. In addition, they’re one exception for camelcase. Thus, they should utilize the SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE convention.
  • Most of the time, constants are defined in a file’s topmost scope.
  • However, WordPress Contributors must remember that const assignment in JavaScript is somewhat limited.


wordpress javascript coding standards

Source: WordPress.

Naturally, comments precede the code they’re referring to.

  • Thus, they must be preceded by a single blank line.
  • Also, it’s vital to properly capitalize the comment’s first letter.
  • If writing a complete sentence as a comment, WordPress Developers must end it with a period.
  • Lastly, WordPress Developers must add one space between ‘//’ and the comment.
  • Of course, when it comes to JSDoc comments, WordPress Contributors must remember to use the ‘/**’ or multi-line comment opening.

Annotate special arguments in parameter lists

Source: WordPress.

  • Finally, inline comments can annotate arguments in your formal lists of parameters.


WordPress Developers using JavaScript must remember to apply strict equality checks (===) over abstract equality checks (==).

Type Checks

There are several preferred Type Checks for objects that WordPress Contributors can utilize:

  • String
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • Object
  • Plain Object
  • Function
  • Array
  • Element
  • null
  • null or undefined
  • undefined
  • Global Variables
  • Local Variables
  • Properties
  • Any of the above

If you use Backbone or Underscore, it’s best to use Type Checking methods for Underscore.js rather than jQuery.


wordpress javascript coding standards

Source: WordPress.

  • According to JavaScript Coding Standards, when it comes to string literals, WordPress Devs must utilize single quotes or “’.’

wordpress javascript coding standards best practices

Source: WordPress.

  • Additionally, you must escape a string containing ‘‘’’ with a ‘\.’

Switch Statements

Switch statements aren’t recommended for use. However, they’re helpful if you have a significant number of cases. So, for instance, one block can handle multiple cases, or you can leverage fall-through logic.

When using switch statements

Source: WordPress.

  • If you must use switch statements, use breaks for cases that aren’t default. Also, contributors must make notes on statements that were allowed to “fall through.”
  • Of course, within the switch, indenting case statements with a single tab is critical.

Return values at end

Source: WordPress.

  • Lastly, WordPress Developers shouldn’t return values from switch statements. It’s better to set values with case blocks, then return them at the end.


Shorthand constructor

Source: WordPress.

  • To create arrays, apply the shorthand [] constructor instead of new array ().

wordpress javascript coding standards best practices

Source: WordPress.

  • Construction is the perfect time for initializing arrays. Of course, you must always define associative arrays in JavaScript as objects.


wordpress javascript coding standards best practices

Source: WordPress.

One of the easiest ways to create objects is by applying object literal notation, {}.

wordpress javascript coding standards best practices

Source: WordPress.

  • Also, WordPress encourages devs to use object literal notation. However, one notable exception is if the object needs a particular prototype. In this case, you can use new to call a constructor function to create the object.

Uld not be valid identifier

Source: WordPress.

  • Also, you can access object properties with dot notation. But one exception to this is if the key is a string or variable that won’t be a valid identifier:



Source: WordPress.

If you use a for loop to iterate over an extensive collection, store that loop’s max value as a variable.

Underscore.js Collection Functions

Of course, WordPress Contributors should learn the many collection and array methods of Underscore, including the _.map_.each, and _.reduce. Naturally, such methods help transform massive data sets into more ones that are more legible.

Jquery style chaining

Source: WordPress.

Additionally, Underscore lets you do jQuery-style chaining.

Iterating Over jQuery Collections

wordpress javascript coding standards best practices

Source: WordPress.

  • If you’re iterating over jQuery objects, WordPress Developers should only use jQuery. Of course, this instance should be the only time you utilize it for iteration.
  • Also, avoid iterating over raw data or vanilla objects with jQuery.


As mentioned earlier, JSHint is a tool that checks your JavaScript code quality. As a result, it can catch logic or syntax errors, allowing WordPress Devs to see how well the patch works in the front-end.

Installing and Running JSHint

For this WordPress JavaScript Coding Standard, you need a tool called Grunt, which JSHint requires. Coincidentally, both programs are written in Node.js. Fortunately, WordPress’ development code has a configuration file (package.json) that lets you install and configure JSHint and Grunt.

Upon installation of Node.js, you can download the Node packages for WordPress and install them. Once done, Grunt can check your WordPress JavaScript files for any errors.

JSHint Settings

Within the WordPress SVN repository, there’s a file called .jshintrc title=” WordPress JSHint file in svn trunk” that contains the configuration options for JSHint. In addition, it indicates the errors that JSHint must flag if found in WordPress’ source code.

Type npm run grunt jshint:core to have it analyze your core code. But, contributors must type npm run grunt jshint:tests to check unit test JavaScript files.

Target A Single File

Admin bar js

Source: WordPress.

You may target specific files if you wish to get results on one or two files rather than the entire thing. After all, having JSHint process all your files will take some time. To direct JSHint to a specific file, include –file=filename.js at the end of your command.

JSHint Overrides: Ignore Blocks

Exclude specific file region

Source: WordPress.

There may be some instances where developers want JSHint to ignore parts of a .js file. So, you want to keep JSHint from processing a particular file region. JavaScript Coding Standards and Best Practices will tell you to use directive comments.

Use These Standards to Create Attractive Front-End Layouts!

And that’s it for the Javascript Coding Standards, Best Practices, and recommendations for WordPress. Of course, the WordPress JavaScript Coding Standards we listed here are the basis for the jQuery JavaScript Style Guide. Still, a WordPress Developer from the Philippines is sure to be familiar with the various JavaScript standards.

Adam Tan


Adam is a charming geek who loves his family's Siberian Husky, enjoys the occasional night out with friends and, most of all, lives and breathes new trends and updates about the web and its technicalities. If you want to stay updated with changes or new trends on the web or learn about the technicalities that are involved, he's your guy. He's capable of writing cheesy stuff as well, but he'd rather stick with the manly stuff.

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