A Little Help from LetIThelp Goes A Long Way
Contrary to whatever news and social misconceptions we hear about Mindanao, all of them have no truth whatsoever to start with and in fact, Mindanao continues to still be viewed as the land of milk and honey. Nothing is more evident of this than its growing and progressive cities and towns. Industries and infrastructure continue to pour into Mindanao at a fast growing pace and rate unparalleled in its history to date.
In terms of education, the quality of education and learning in Mindanao’s universities is fast rising and evidence of this is the number of colleges being awarded university status. Thus, with a growing number of college graduates, more quality professionals are added to the white collar workforce in the region.
Because one of the fast rising industries in the region is in Information Technology, colleges are also churning out many IT and other computer related course graduates every year. Because of this, some graduates may be faced with the problem of finding employment in IT fields such as SEO, web designing and web development.
And this is where Let IT Help comes in.
LetIThelp.org helps selected and deserving fresh graduates in Mindanao find the right opportunities in their chosen field of profession since there is really a need for a ready pool of trained and experienced IT professionals to sustain the business process outsourcing industry needs.
Because there is a saturation of fresh IT graduates from poor families and graduates of vocational schools and colleges who have the passion and commitment to work, majority of these fresh graduates could not get into their desired work and are forced to accept other jobs that are not attuned with IT, wasting their possible talents and skills.
LetITHelp selects based on their skills, attitude, desire and passion for work, or graduates who are in need of the additional training and work. They will then have the opportunity to learn and earn at the same time for their families. These graduates will be trained and mentored by the Syntactics, Inc. team leaders and supervisors to help them learn the right industry standards, work pace and discipline. After their training period, they will then be hired by Syntactics, Inc. as a commercial developer, dedicated to a client as a dedicated staff or will be given the chance to work in other IT companies and provide more jobs in society.
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